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Dwayne Schuck

1988: Began officiating High School Football in California. Promoted to Varsity in 1990, playoffs in 1994 and 1995.


1996: Moved to New York, continued working High School football.


2001: Hired by the Eastern Association of Intercollegiate Football Officials and the Eastern Collegiate Football Officials Association as a Line Judge. Worked in several Division II and III Conferences and some Division I-AA.


2004: Placed on a crew in the Northeast Conference, Division I-AA, at Field Judge.


2005: NCAA Division III playoff game at Line Judge.


2006: NCAA Division III playoff game at Field Judge.


2007-8: Moved to Colorado, hired as supplemental official by the RMAC. Filled in at Head Linesman, Line Judge, and Field Judge.


2009: Placed on crew at Umpire. Named “Outstanding New Official” by the RMAC.


2010: NCAA Division II playoff game at Umpire.


2014: Promoted to Crew Chief by the RMAC. Joined the staff of the Indoor Football League.

Football Officials
Football Officials
Ref Camp
Football Camp
Football Officials Camp
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